“One day the body asked the heart.
‘When I’m hurt the doctor heals it. But if you’re hurt then who will heal you?’
Then the heart said,
‘I have to heal by myself. Whenever someone is hurt they have their own special way of healing it. Drinking, singing, anger, laughing, crying, going on trips with friends and talking with them, running in the marathon, or the worst thing, just ignoring that pain. “
I always want to be remembered as the girl who smiles even if her heart is broken. And the one who can always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own.
i dont do good just for good impression. i preferred to be seen @ my worst,not to be disgusted but to be accepted despite having the most terrible peronality
I am the epitome of a walking contradiction for various reasons, only one of which being that I feel my existence is of heaven and hell.
i love you and i will tell you everyday. everyday until you forget the things that hurt. i hate the things that make you hurt. how i wish i could take them away. if only it could be done.but it cannot be done because you wont let me....
To know that you didn't know anything at all hurts so much when you finally grasp the truth