I am an introvert by nature and that simply means not used to mingling with people in general. I rarely gou out to hang out with my close friends either since my parents particularly my dad is quite concern of the safety of his children. I think all parents have the same sentiments, agree? There are several ways that will enable a person to be connected thanks to technology. I used to have an account in friendster but then those in charge messed it up. It had tons of errors and problems that made it hard for me to navigate although it was somewhat ok for a short while. Then I tried out WAYN but guess it wasn't great for me as it's more meant for the travelling type of people. It is a social network as well but it doesn't suit me plus the fact barely had any friends or any other reason to stay there often. I did have fun meeting a few peeps too bad forgot to add them to my friend list so lost contact in the end. Here are a few screen shots so you get a slight idea how that site looks like.
.morph {
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transition: all 0.5s ease;
.morph:hover {
border-radius: 50%;
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
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transform: rotate(360deg);