This month of May have been filled with several events. On the not so happy notes so far one of our household helper asked for a day off which gladly been approved. But then the next day sent a text message stating not going to come back anymore and left a lot of her stuff at home.She intends to pick up her things at a much latter date, duh! Now that I think nobody would like that it wasn't really a nice way to say good-bye at all. Only means I have to be with my mom when she goes to her check up at the hospital with the doctors and am busy with work as it is already. Bummer!!!
On the happy notes though JM my cousin finally said bye-bye to single blessedness with his new loving wife and hope things work out smoothly for both of them. It was a really nice place to take photos wish it did't drizzle much though but everything is just so nice. Here is the link of their website just click on the link below to take you there directly.

Then here comes Mother's Day had our tummies filled up with good old Spanish Paella Lechon De Leche at Alba Restaurante Español. The dishes mentioned before needs to be prepared at least a day before so best you plan it up ahead. Besides all the mothers who were present were given bags of goodies related to household chores and a Good House Keeping magazine. Here is the link for those of you might be into Spanish food just click on the photo below.

All thanks to the advertisement or was it an article.. my big sis read about which lead us to realize there is a nearby skin specialist. It pays to read after all even during the idle hours. Ha,ha,ha!! We both had the intention of having an assessment of our current skin condition and found out there is 50 % off on the treatment we were looking for! The big boo boo for us is that we both sneaked away from dad's radar. You might not believe but still in a relatively strict up-bring at home although am classified as adult. But anyways I had to call home and got quite an earful from dad but let us go with it since we were there. Didn't want to waste time since warts are unpleasant to look at or stared by people. If you are interested to their services simply click on the link below as it will directly take you to their facebook page.

Here are the assorted photos of collections of our make up that needs to be thrown away. It is obvious that some make up stuff cannot be sterilized or scraped off it is already infected by the warts that wee part of our skin. It is a waste you might say but really you don't want those ugly fungus back on your skin. Besides they're around 3 years old already might as well say byeEeEeE~~~~
Lioele Skin Fix Powder Pact Moisture Type Blooming Ivory 21
Bye you didn't even stay that long with big sis..darn warts! T___T
Today also marks the funneral of our good friend and neighbor tita Betty. She passed away last May 16 2012 Wednesday morning during her sleep. We went to her wake late afternoon and attended the anticipated mass. As we approached her coffin it's as if she is only asleep not dead. I am still in shock and will miss her immense generosity to the point forgets her own personal needs. It is sad but life must go on. My mom might have also died last January this year due to her chest pains. It was good she was quickly rushed to the hospital & gone through the angioplasty surgery which saved her life and so must the constant check ups with the doctors. That's all for now by the way least I forget just want to say will surely miss the good old times spent with you tita Betty. God is with you now and so is Mama Mary. May you rest in peace with the angels singing heavenly songs.
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