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Monday, August 19, 2013

Sparkle Apple's OST VIT C20 SERUM GIVEAWAY! + Wishtrend Beauty Secret Page

Simply click on the photo promo to be redirected to their respective blog link. Best wishes to all participants! :)


  1. I'm having a circle-lens giveaway on my blog, I just thought that you may want to enter ^_^.

    Lys, from Shirayuki's Beauty.

  2. Your name looks familiar. Have you been around my blog without commenting? If so, thank you very much for commenting coz it allows me to visit your blog. I tend to visit back blogs of people who comment. I understand why it is heavy to load. The template is image heavy and the music player would definitely slow down the loading time. Thanx for your compliments to my blog template tweaks and for your concern.

    1. Hi ms Jo! I have been following your blog for sometime. I am relatively silent reader hee~ Thank you for visiting. ^_^

  3. Hello, nice blog :)
    if you interested joining giveaway, will you join mine too ^^

    Winning $39 Firmoo eye/sunglasses - you picks :)

    1. Thank you for the compliment and maybe will join the giveaway. :)
